Music Collection

Explore musical genres, their history and origins including African, Blues, Classical/Orchestral, Country/Bluegrass, Cuban/Latin/Salsa, Gospel, Hymns and Spirituals, Gullah Music: Evolution of African Music, Hip-Hop/Rap, Jazz, Musical Theater, Opera, Pop and Soul, Rhythm and Blues, and Rock and Roll. Be sure to view the individual assets that stand alone, just below the Topics, and have not been included in a specific topic or genre.

Also explore our Musical Instruments and Musicians and Music History sections. We also have a section on Holiday Music.

Within this Collection

 Reflections of Columbia, Part 4 4
Reflections of Columbia, Part 4
Episode 4


The 1920s was a prosperous time for Columbia. The city experienced a cultural renaissance, even though the rural areas were feeling early pings of the oncoming depression. Dance clubs for both Whites...
 Dizzy Gillespie: His Legacy | Carolina Stories 4
Dizzy Gillespie: His Legacy | Carolina Stories
Episode 4


The group discusses Dizzy Gillespie’s legacy, and what he meant to them, as a teacher, musician, and human being. Here, the song “Birks Works” is played by Charlton Singleton.
Music Word Bank | Artopia
Music Word Bank | Artopia


pitch – the highness or lowness of a tone rhythm –a pattern of long and short sounds and silences in music improvisation – composing music as it is being performed tempo – the speed or pace of a piece...
 Spartanburg Musical History | ETV Upstate
Spartanburg Musical History | ETV Upstate


A short profile of many popular musicians who got their start in Spartanburg, S.C., including Joe Bennett and the Sparkletones, Paul Riddle, the Marshall Tucker Band, Pink Anderson (from whom Pink...