Audio Descriptions

Audio description are provided for some of our video content courtesy of The Described and Captioned Media Program (DCMP).  These audio descriptions help with visual content that is considered essential to the comprehension of the video.

Daufuskie Island | Carolina Snaps


Daufuskie Island is South Carolina's southernmost inhabited sea island. To this day, much of the island remains undeveloped - maintaining its rich history and natural beauty.
The Trail of Tears | History In A Nutshell


Join our cartoon avatar host as he takes viewers through a brief expose on the events leading up to the forced removal of Native American tribes from the eastern United States. After the American...
Carrion Beetle | What's Wild


This edition of What's Wild is all about the American Carrion Beetle, one of the best bugs in the business when it comes to decomposition. We'll also be traveling to Clemson University, where...
Carnivorous Plants | What's Wild


In this edition of What's Wild, we'll be taking a look at some native South Carolina plants with a big appetite! There are approximately thirty-one species of carnivorous plants throughout the state...
Webster's Salamander | What's Wild


In this episode of What's Wild, we're heading west to discover one of South Carolina's rarest amphibians. Found only in a few isolated areas, the Webster's Salamander is considered an endangered...
Marshland Crabs | What's Wild


We're exploring one of South Carolina's most productive and serene environments, the saltwater marsh. This rich and diverse ecosystem, brimming with marine species, has a dynamic rhythm that beats to...