"S" is for Sayre, Christopher Gadsden. [1876-1935] Architect.Historian Walter Edgar mines the riches of the South Carolina Encyclopedia to bring you South Carolina from A to Z.
"S" is for Sayre, Christopher Gadsden. [1876-1935] Architect.Audio
"S" is for Scarborough, William Harrison [1912-1871]. Painter. Portraitist.Audio
"S" is for Scofield Normal and Industrial School [1871-1953].Audio
"S" is for Scott, Robert Kingston [1826-1900] Governor.Audio
"S" is for Secession Crisis of 1850-51.Audio
“S” is for Secessionville, Battle of [June 16, 1862). Union general Henry Benham launched an assault on Tower Battery near the planter village of Secessionville. The Confederate defenders, supported...Audio
“S” is for Segregation. Segregation, the residential, political, and social isolation of African Americans, by law and custom was accomplished in South Carolina in the last quarter of the 19th century...