David Galloway

Gospel Singing
Galloway is the son of M.C. and Lois Galloway and has spent his life in the Pendleton and Sandy Springs communities. His mother was a pastor, and he and his six siblings have deep roots in the AME Church. The product of a strong Christian home, there was much discipline and love that transcended his family’s economic challenges. Galloway was taught and wholeheartedly believes that the Lord will always make a way. That has been the foundation of his life’s purpose – an unshakeable faith in God, being a strong influence in the life of his family, a dedication to church, and helping others in his community.
His musical influence rests largely with his mother and her siblings, who used to sing “shape notes.” They also instilled a passion for the negro spiritual. Galloway, his siblings, and his cousins learned pitch and tone as children. As teenagers, he and his brothers sang gospel at revivals and church services throughout the upstate. They sang together as a group for many years and still entertain to this day when they gather as a family.
In 1965, he married Beatrice Jackson and with their two daughters, Audra and Anita, were active members of King’s Chapel AME Church in Pendleton. Galloway served as Superintendent of the Sunday School for several years, ensuring the children learned praise and worship through song. He served as an inspiration for the Junior Choir, the Young Adult Choir, and the Senior Choir, the Gospel Choir, and the Male Chorus. Planting that seed for some of those children and young adults went a long way, as they are now soloists at King’s Chapel and other churches in the community.
Galloway is co-founder of a group called the KCs, which was comprised of himself and three ladies who sought to hold on to the roots of traditional spirituals, shape-note music, and contemporary gospel. They sang at local churches, revivals, the denominational AME Conventions, and hosted gospel programs. He remains a faithful member of the church choirs and as a soloist, Galloway continues to participate in special programs, revivals, and anniversaries with his wide repertoire, from traditional gospel and hymns to spirituals and contemporary gospel. He sings mostly a cappella, just like his mother taught him to more than seventy years ago. He takes special satisfaction in spreading the gospel through song, praise, and worship with his voice.
For more than fifty years, Galloway has worked at Pendleton Tire Company, where you might hear him singing a tune over the tire machines or at the side of a car, because a song is always in his heart.