Anish Kapoor
A Closer Look
Look at the enormous bright red form that Anish Kapoor has built! Form is the three dimensional representation of an object. Notice the sleek form of Kapoor's artwork. It seems to glide and stretch across the space where it is installed. Find a picture in a magazine of a place you like and think of an artwork you would put in it. Sketch your sculpture as it would look there. Concentrate on just the form and choose a bright color for its surface.
About the Sculpture
Taratantara is a site-specific sculpture, made for a massive room in the Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art in Gateshead, England. The Baltic is a former grain warehouse that opened as an international art center in 2002. Kapoor created Taratantara in 1999 after the interior of the warehouse had been demolished and before work began on the art center. The huge sculpture – 164 feet long and nearly 100 feet wide – remained in the space for 8 weeks.
About the Artist
Born in Bombay, India, British artist Anish Kapoor thinks of his work as an exploration of opposites: light and dark, weight and lightness, presence and absence. He is an experimental artist who uses many kinds of materials, including steel, paint, fiberglass, water and plastic. But the materials are not the most important thing to Kapoor. He says, "The materials are there to make something else possible."