
Test your knowledge on a wide variety of subjects.
Mushrooms Trivia Quiz | What's Wild
Mushrooms Trivia Quiz | What's Wild


The edition of What's Wild about mushrooms delves into the vital role they play in maintaining ecological balance, from their decomposition powers that enrich soil, to their symbiotic relationships...
Ants Trivia Quiz | What's Wild
Ants Trivia Quiz | What's Wild


Discover the remarkable lives of these complex insects that play a crucial role in ecosystems worldwide in the latest episode of What's Wild. From their extraordinary social behavior to their...
Gopher Tortoise Trivia Quiz | What's Wild
Gopher Tortoise Trivia Quiz | What's Wild


The season two premiere of What's Wild looked at a keystone species found in South Carolina’s sandhills. The gopher tortoise has one of the dirtiest jobs. If you caught this episode, come out of your...
Carrion Beetle Trivia Quiz | What's Wild
Carrion Beetle Trivia Quiz | What's Wild


The seventh episode of What's Wild looked at the American Carrion Beetle, one of the best bugs in the business when it comes to decomposition. If you bugged out about this episode, this quiz is for...