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Standard 8.4.E

8.4.E Utilize a variety of primary and secondary sources to analyze multiple perspectives of the challenges and changes within South Carolina and the nation that allowed the U.S. to emerge as a global power during the time period 1862–1929.

Grade(s): 8

Subject(s): Social Studies

Year: 2019

Camp Sevier | History of SC Slide Collection
Camp Sevier | History of SC Slide Collection
Episode 6


Many young men recruited into the army were trained at Camp Sevier, near Greenville. Motor Truck Companies 101 and 218 lived in this tent city. Courtesy of the South Caroliniana Library.
David Robert Coker | Legacy of Leadership Profile


David Robert Coker (1870-1938) David Robert Coker loved the land and the people who toiled for its bounty. The son of Major James Lide Coker, David Coker was born on November 20, 1870 in Hartsville...
A. Foster McKissick | Legacy of Leadership Profile


A. Foster McKissick (1869 – 1938) Anthony Foster McKissick was a major figure in the Southern textile industry and was also a college professor, scientist, state legislator, philanthropist, and...