The Salt Marsh

Salt marshes are found around the world, but the one you are about to tour can be found right here in South Carolina on the North American continent. Salt marshes are located only along the coast. This is because a salt marsh is an area that is flooded by saline (salty) water. The salt marshes are better developed as you move farther south in South Carolina.

Great Blue Herons | The Salt Marsh
Great Blue Herons | The Salt Marsh


Great blue herons are the largest of our herons. Standing over 3 feet tall, with a large, 6-inch-long dagger of a beak, they eat anything they can spear. They are bluish-gray in color. They most often...
Alligators | The Salt Marsh
Alligators | The Salt Marsh


Alligators are not normally found in brackish or salt water, although they do occasionally swim there. They much prefer freshwater and must return to it to drink. They can reach 19 feet in length, but...
Scat | The Salt Marsh
Scat | The Salt Marsh


This scat is from the same animal. It ís full of seeds and the shells of fiddler crabs. Who ate them?
Salt Grass | The Salt Marsh
Salt Grass | The Salt Marsh


Salt grass sends underground stems called rhizomes into the salt flat. Sprouts from these rhizomes make stems and leaves above ground. You can see where the rhizome lies underground because the stems...
Glasswort | The Salt Marsh
Glasswort | The Salt Marsh


There are two species of glasswort. One is an annual and lives only for one year, then dies. It is the taller, branched plant farthest out into the salt flat. The other is a perennial and lives for...