08. Plants of the Forest

Cove forests provide an environment in which many different types of plant organisms can thrive; these include trees, herbs, and shrubs. Click on the links below to see some of the various types of flora that make their home here.

Within this Series

Basswood | The Cove Forest
Basswood | The Cove Forest


(Tilia americana) A medium to large tree that frequently occurs in the understory but may also reach the canopy. The large heart-shaped leaves are finely toothed and have an asymmetrical base. The...
Beech | The Cove Forest
Beech | The Cove Forest


(Fagus grandifolia) The smooth gray bark, sharp-pointed buds, and papery toothed leaves make beech one of the easiest trees to identify. Because it can tolerate deep shade, individuals occur both in...
Bloodroot | The Cove Forest
Bloodroot | The Cove Forest


(Sanguinaria Canadensis) Bloodroot is one of the first plants to bloom in spring. Only one flower and one leaf is produced per plant. The large white flower opens in the day and closes at night. The...
Canada Hemlock | The Cove Forest
Canada Hemlock | The Cove Forest


Almost all trees in cove forests are deciduous - that is, they drop their leaves in the fall and produce new ones in spring. The Canada hemlock, in contrast, is an evergreen - it retains its needle...
Canada Violet  | The Cove Forest
Canada Violet | The Cove Forest


(Viola canadensis) This relatively tall violet with heart-shaped leaves is frequently encountered in cove forests. It produces many white flowers that fade to purple with age. Often found in clumps...
Carolina Silverbell | The Cove Forest
Carolina Silverbell | The Cove Forest


(Halesia tetraptera) This small to medium-sized understory tree has distinctive white-yellow vertical streaks on its young stems. In early spring it produces white bell-shaped flowers that develop...
Christmas Fern  | The Cove Forest
Christmas Fern | The Cove Forest


(Polystichum acrostichoides) This evergreen fern commonly occurs in moist sites including ravines and rocky slopes. Only the leaves emerge above ground - the stem is underground. Like all ferns, it...
Doghobble| | The Cove Forest
Doghobble| | The Cove Forest


This evergreen shrubs forms dense thickets in ravines and along streams. The leaves are thick and leathery and the urn-shaped fragrant flowers bloom in early spring.
Dutchman's Pipe | The Cove Forest
Dutchman's Pipe | The Cove Forest


Although it might sometimes look like a tangled shrub, the woody wine has large heart-shaped leaves and small flowers that look like an old-time smoking pipe, hence the common name. Toxins in the...
Flowering Dogwood | The Cove Forest
Flowering Dogwood | The Cove Forest


(Cornus florida) This small understory tree of forests is also widely planted in residential areas. In spring, clusters of small greenish flowers surrounded by four large white petal-like bracts are...