International Youth Day

International Youth Day seeks to raise awareness to the cultural and legal issues faced by youth throughout the world. The United Nations defines youth as people between the ages of 15 and 24 years. In 1995, the General Assembly of the United Nations (UN) adopted the World Programme of Action for Youth, focusing on 15 priority areas including education, employment, hunger and poverty, health, environment and drug abuse. Since its inception on August 12, 2000, International Youth Day has served to increase the quality and quantity of opportunities available to the youth.

International Youth Day seeks to raise awareness to the cultural and legal issues faced by youth throughout the world. The United Nations defines youth as people between the ages of 15 and 24 years. In 1995, the General Assembly of the United Nations (UN) adopted the World Programme of Action for Youth, focusing on 15 priority areas including educationemploymenthunger and povertyhealthenvironment and drug abuse. Since its inception on August 12, 2000, International Youth Day has served to increase the quality and quantity of opportunities available to the youth.

Diversity and Inclusion | Growing Up with Smart Cat
Episode 11


Have you noticed all the different colored leaves? Just like the leaves in the trees, we all have our own unique traits that make us special. Some of us are short. Some of us are tall. Some wear...
Money | Growing Up with Smart Cat
Episode 10


Have you ever gotten an allowance or been given some money for your birthday? What did you do with your money? Did you buy that toy you always wanted? Did you take a trip? I love to explore new places...
Manners | Growing Up with Smart Cat
Episode 9


Showing your manners is always an important thing to do especially when you're around other people and friends. How do you show your manners? First it's important to use polite language. Learning...
Mental Health | Growing Up with Smart Cat
Episode 8


Everybody has feelings. Sometimes we feel happy and sometimes we feel sad. How many feelings can you name? No matter how you feel, it is important to use words to describe your feelings and tell why...
Choosing Friends | Growing Up with Smart Cat
Episode 7


How many of you have made new friends this year? That's great! Good friends can be lots of fun and can help in times of need. What are some traits you look for when choosing friends? It's important to...
Positive Self View | Growing Up with Smart Cat
Episode 6


Sometimes growing up can be tough but we all have positive qualities we can use to help us along the way. Are you a hard worker? A good listener? A good reader? Are you creative? Or maybe athletic...
Character Education | Growing up with Smart Cat
Episode 5


How many of you want a super power? Well you may already have one. Did you know that being a good friend is a super power? In fact, it may be one of the most important super powers. Just like super...
The Five Senses | Growing Up with Smart Cat
Episode 4


There are five important things that help us observe and understand the world around us. Without those things, we may not be able to ride a bicycle have fun with our friends, learn at school or even...
Sleep | Growing Up with Smart Cat
Episode 2


Did you know that whenever you go to sleep while you're off dreaming of crazy adventures, your body is working hard for you. That's right. Getting a good night's sleep can make you healthier and...