ETV StreamlineSC

Find video series that have been locally produced by SCETV, or by SCETV with other entities, or with rights obtained for South Carolina-use ONLY.

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Kelly Swanson | Inside Storytelling


Kelly Swanson combines the art of theater, standup Southern comedy, and storytelling. Her wholesome stories, centering on the fictional town of Cedar Grove and its inhabitants, often offer a poignant...
Thom Bristow | Inside Storytelling


Dr. Thom Bristow is also known as "The Carolina Talespinner." He lives in Columbia, S.C., and tells traditional and original stories that weave humor with life's lessons. He often uses music to tell a...
Chetter Galloway | Inside Storytelling


Storyteller Chetter Galloway, of Atlanta, Georgia, specializes in African and African American stories. His renditions are energetic and animated. He blends his stories with music, drumming, sound...
Tim Lowry | Inside Storytelling


Tim Lowry is a native of Kentucky but has lived in South Carolina since 1988. He specializes in American folk literature. His repertoire also includes folk tales from around the world, Bible stories...
Connie Regan-Blake | Inside Storytelling


Connie Regan-Blake is considered a pioneer in bringing storytelling to a national audience. She helped to shape and ignite the American storytelling revival. She is a founding member of the National...
Mike Miller | Inside Storytelling


Mike Miller is a Full Contact Storyteller who is known for telling high-energy folk tales and singing silly songs. He always encourages audience participation. Mike was the first South Carolinian to...
Minerva King | Inside Storytelling


Minerva King is a storyteller and oral historian. Her stories feature African American, African, West Indian, and Native American tales. She often visits schools as a storyteller and believes that...
Kitty Wilson-Evans | Inside Storytelling


Kitty Wilson-Evans is a nationally acclaimed historic interpreter and storyteller. Her most famous slave reenactment is the character of Kessie, who is a fictionalized blend of Kitty’s reenactment...
Ramona Moore Big Eagle | Inside Storytelling


Ramona Moore Big Eagle is an oral historian and legend keeper from the Tuscarora National Reservation. She is a cultural educator for Tuscarora/Cherokee. Her storytelling is interactive, using...
Brian McCreight | Inside Storytelling


Brian McCreight is known as the "Lowcountry Liar Storyteller." He resides in Charleston, South Carolina. He is also a puppeteer, specializing in shadow puppetry, and is a playwright and a published...