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Early Colonial Life | Conversations on SC History
Episode 4


Noted South Carolina historian Dr. Walter Edgar discusses the key issues in SC History. Early Colonial Life is discussed in three lessons: English Speaking Settlers of SC Why do we have a North and...
Darion McCloud | Inside Storytelling


Darion McCloud is a storyteller who works in the children's room of the Richland Library in Columbia, S.C. He is also an actor and director of theater productions. Most notably, he is the artistic...
Mike Ethridge | Inside Storytelling


A storyteller since 1990, Mike Ethridge is a litigation attorney residing in Charleston, S.C. His stories include ghost stories, folk tales, and personal anecdotes. He frequently includes music in his...
Ron Kemp | Inside Storytelling


Ron Kemp grew up in rural Georgia. He tells original stories based on his childhood experiences. His stories are a mixture of Southern wisdom, humor, wit, facts and fiction. He also spins tall tales...
Beth Horner | Inside Storytelling


As a result of spending her childhood in the Missouri Ozarks, Beth Horner developed an interest in telling traditional stories from that region. She also tells folk, contemporary, and original tales...
Willy Claflin | Inside Storytelling


Willy Claflin resides in San Francisco, He grew up in New Hampshire. He is a former classroom teacher. While at Harvard, he performed music and comedy. He knows hundreds of folk songs. His stories...
Wiiliam Wilder | Inside Storytelling


William Wilder is a full-time storyteller and professional speaker. His style is a blend of drama, comedy, and inspirational speaking. He is known for his animated style and use of audience...
Rixon Lane | Inside Storytelling


Rixon Lane began telling stories at age 5. At 10, he won a Gold Medal at the 2002 National Storytelling Youth Olympics. In 2004, he was a keynote speaker at the National Storytelling Convention. He...
Antonio Sacre | Inside Storytelling


Antonio Sacre is a playwright, author, and an internationally award-winning storyteller. He is also a frequent communicator on National Public Radio. Born in Boston, his current address is Los Angeles...