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Misty Massey | A Literary Tour of South Carolina


Misty Massey was born in Virginia and moved to South Carolina when she was twelve. Her parents were both educators who encouraged her reading addiction, which started in kindergarten! She is known as...
Jonathan Miller | A Literary Tour of South Carolina


A novelist, illustrator and publisher, Jonathan Miller grew up in Clover and graduated from Clover High School before making his home in Charleston, where he attended college. Mr. Miller is the author...
Fran Rizer | A Literary Tour of South Carolina


Born and raised in South Carolina, Ms. Rizer taught school for twenty-five years and raised two sons. Her first Callie Parrish book was written after she retired from teaching. Book number six was...
Southern Rebirth | Conversations on SC History
Episode 16


Noted South Carolina historian Dr. Walter Edgar discusses the key issues in SC History. Southern Rebirth is discussed in four lessons: Governor Benjamin Tillman 1895 Constitution Dispensary System...
The Prehistory of S.C. | Conversations on S.C. History
Episode 2


Noted South Carolina historian Dr. Walter Edgar discusses the key issues in SC History. The Prehistory of South Carolina is discussed in eight lessons: Native Americans in SC Animals in SC Language of...