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Rick Henry: Courage | Character Minutes


Courage helps a person to take hard knocks but not give up. Rick Henry gives the example of Michael Jordan, who was cut from his basketball team in the 10th grade. He had the courage to stick with it...
Harry Dent: 10 Virtues | Character Minutes


Harry Dent discusses the 10 Virtues that Dr. Bill Bennett has written about. They include:self-discipline, compassion, responsibility, friendship, you work diligently and do what's right, you have...
Harry Dent: Principles | Character Minutes


When someone does wrong, you have to, at a minimum, refuse to be a part of what's wrong, and then the harder decision is whether you will turn them in, but you have to remember that as you go through...
Joe Pinner: Caring | Character Minutes


Caring helps two people, the one who cares and the one who is cared for. Doing the right things makes you feel good. It's always good to be part of a team. Every one of us is special in some way.
Secession, Part 2 | Palmetto Heritage


Back in South Carolina in December 1860 for a short Christmas break, Allen finds the Secession convention in session at the First Baptist Church in Columbia. He then accompanies his father, who is a...
John C. Calhoun | Palmetto Heritage


It is the summer of 1829 and Vice-President Calhoun is spending the Congressional recess at his home near Pendleton, South Carolina. His youngest daughter, Cornelia is helping her father with his...
Cherokees | Palmetto Heritage


The story of the Cherokees is told through scenes from "lJnto These Hills" the outdoor drama in Cherokee, North Carolina that depicts the story of the Cherokees. The video centers around an Indian...
Brooks-Sumner Affair | Palmetto Heritage


In 1857 during the heated debate on Kansas in the Senate, Charles Sumner delivered a two-day speech entitled "The Crime Against Kansas," which contained an insulting denunciation of Senator Andrew...