ETV StreamlineSC

Find video series that have been locally produced by SCETV, or by SCETV with other entities, or with rights obtained for South Carolina-use ONLY.

Please note that some programs may be downloaded for educational use ONLY; however, others have rights restrictions that do not allow for downloading. For videos that can be downloaded for educational use, you will see a download button under the video player. Please contact us with any questions. 

Harry Dent: Integrity | Character Minutes


You can make a mistake, but you must always be honest and have integrity. You will be respected for being honest, and admitting you were wrong, and you will do better.
Patti Just: Confidence | Character Minutes


It was very hard to deal with, when people wouldn't hire Patti because of her disability. But she had confidence in herself and knew she could do the job, and kept looking for someone who would give...
Chief Austin: Courage | Character Minutes


Chief Austin defines courage as the ability to identify what is right and stand up against that which is wrong. Sometimes it's so tough because people will pressure you to do wrong, but by finding...