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Standard 8-2

8-2 The physically literate individual demonstrates know ledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance.

Grade(s): 6, 7, 8

Subject(s): Physical Education, Health Education

Year: 2014

Tchoukball Lead Up Games
Tchoukball Lead Up Games


Students will be participating in different small sided games in order to learn and improve the skills needed to play Tchoukball



Students will be participating in a game called Tchoukball; a fast moving game that requires teamwork, strategy, and catching/throwing skills.

Wall Ball
Wall Ball


Students will be working on their throwing and fielding techniques in a small sided game

Preventing Sports Injuries
Preventing Sports Injuries


Students will be working together on creating posters that show how not to and how to correctly perform a specific skill in order to reduce injuries in different sports.